Car Accidents

Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents happen in the blink of an eye, yet they can have long-lasting effects on injured victims and their families. Car accident victims often face many new challenges, including physical injuries and the need for ongoing medical treatment, emotional trauma, and financial hardship. Making matters worse is the knowledge that most car accidents could have been prevented.

If you were injured in a car accident that was caused or partially caused by someone else, or you lost a family member in a fatal crash, help is available. The experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyers at Demand the Limits understand how difficult it can be to get your life back on track after a serious car accident and want to help. You could be entitled to substantial compensation for your physical and emotional suffering, and we have the experience and skill to help you obtain the full amount you deserve.

You already have many challenges, so there is no reason you should have to communicate with insurance company representatives or navigate the unfamiliar legal system on your own. Instead, let our experienced car accident attorneys protect your rights and help you get compensated fairly. Our extensive experience, considerable resources, and steadfast commitment to getting justice for our clients help ensure that the responsible party (or parties) is held accountable, and you are fully and fairly compensated for all your injuries.

Call us today at 561-600-3555 or submit the FREE CASE EVALUATION form on our website to discuss your case with an experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyer.

What Are Common Types of Boca Raton Car Accidents?

Unfortunately, Florida is one of the top three states in the U.S. when it comes to car accident crashes and injuries. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV), approximately 390,000 car crashes occur here each year, of which 160,000 are injury crashes.  Close to 25,000 of these accidents happen in Boca Raton and surrounding Palm Beach County. These accidents alone cause more than 15,000 injuries and 221 deaths.

Car accidents can happen under a wide variety of circumstances and may take many forms. Common types of Boca Raton car accidents include:

  • Rear-end accidents
  • T-bone collisions
  • Chain reaction crashes
  • Intersection accidents
  • Rollover crashes

The kind of collision in which you are injured can dramatically impact the type and severity of your injuries, but different types of accidents can cause serious, life-changing injuries. These injuries can include fractured or broken bones, head and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, crushed limbs, and internal organ damage.

If you have suffered a serious injury because of a car accident caused by another party, you deserve to be compensated fully and fairly for the damages you have suffered and may continue to suffer in the future.  The experienced car accident lawyers at Demand the Limit are committed to doing everything possible to ensure you get the full amount you deserve for your pain, suffering and losses.

What Are Common Causes of Boca Raton Car Accidents?

Although we all use the term car “accident” when referring to a motor vehicle collision, the truth of the matter is that most collisions are not really accidents. Instead, they are the result of negligence on the part of one or more parties. Negligence, in turn, can take many forms, including not abiding by Florida’s traffic laws.

Among the most common infractions and acts of negligence that cause or contribute to a car accident are:

  • Distracted Driving. Texting while driving is a well-known cause of distracted driving, which, under the Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law, is now against the law. However, anything that takes your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, or your focus off the task of driving can be a distraction. According to the CDC, on average, someone is killed every three hours across the nation because of distracted driving.
  • Speed. Speed consistently ranks in the top three factors contributing to accidents. Speed plays a role in about one out of every three collisions nationwide, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).
  • Impaired Driving. Despite monumental efforts aimed at preventing drunk driving, impaired driving remains a top factor in motor vehicle collisions each year. The NHTSA tells us that on average, in the U.S., impaired driving, including driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs and certain medications, kills someone every hour.
  • Drowsy Driving. Driving drowsy is as dangerous as driving drunk, according to the Foundation for Traffic Safety (FTS). In fact, fatigued driving is a factor in one out of five collisions.

The accomplished Demand the Limits car accident lawyers will thoroughly investigate your car accident to determine the exact cause or causes. We will then amass the evidence needed to prove negligence on the part of the other driver so you can be compensated fully for the damages you have experienced and may continue to experience in the future.

What Are Some Common Car Accident Injuries?

The victim of a car accident can suffer physical injuries ranging from minor bumps and bruises to life-threatening injuries. In addition, many victims experience severe and lasting trauma after being involved in a car accident.

Some of the more common car accident injuries include:

  • Back and neck injuries: The impact of a collision can damage the discs in your back or neck. The injury could be apparent right away or not. Disc damage can worsen over time and result in the need for surgeries and other medical treatments.
  • Burns: When a crash causes a fire, the resulting burns may cause scarring, disfigurement, pain, and/or loss of bodily functions and may require extensive and long-term medical treatments.
  • Head and brain injuries: Motor vehicle collisions are a primary cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). TBIs can be mild, as in mild concussions, but they can also cause significant disabilities.
  • Broken and fractured bones: Broken and fractured bones can cause pain and impair bodily functions. They might require surgery or other medical treatment and/or cause chronic health problems.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries can cause loss of function and/or sensation in parts of the body, depending on where the injury occurs. These injuries can result in permanent disability, including paralysis.
  • Lost limbs: In catastrophic collisions, arms or legs can be torn away or injured so that they have to be amputated.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Florida and wonder if you can bring a claim for damages against the party or parties who caused or contributed to causing the accident, getting advice from an experienced car accident lawyer can help you understand and protect your rights. The experienced car accident lawyers at Demand the Limits will explain your options and advise you on your best course of action at no cost to you.

How Does Florida’s No-Fault Law Affect My Ability to Sue for Car Accident Damages?

Florida is a “no-fault” insurance state, meaning that drivers are required to carry a minimum amount of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage. When a driver is injured in a collision, the driver’s own insurance covers medical bills up to $10,000 regardless of who was at fault in the car accident.

According to the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, you can only bring a claim for damages against an at-fault party if you have suffered serious injuries that are permanent in nature, resulted in scarring or disfigurement, or caused the loss of important bodily functions. Some car accident victims take this to mean that they can not sue for damages; however, there many instances when filing a lawsuit is necessary to obtain the compensation needed to pay for ongoing medical expenses, lost income, pain, suffering and other damages.

The experienced car accident attorneys at Demand the Limits will investigate what happened during your accident and assess all the accident-related damages you have suffered. Then we will advise you on the best course of action to protect your rights and get the results you want.

What Type of Compensation Am I Entitled to for My Boca Raton Car Accident?

If you were injured in a Boca Raton car accident, you understandably want to know if you are entitled to compensation and what your case is worth. The amount you may be entitled to depends on a number of factors, including the extent of your physical injuries and need for treatment, your ability to work, your family’s losses due to your injuries, the degree to which the defendant is liable, and the defendant’s ability to pay damages.

In general, however, you could be entitled to both economic and non-economic damages, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation and other care costs
  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Scarring, disfigurement, and disability
  • Diminished capacity to enjoy life
  • Your family’s loss of your companionship, guidance, and assistance

If you are a surviving spouse, parent or child of someone who was fatally injured in car accident, you may also be entitled to compensation in a Florida wrongful death lawsuit for things such as lost earnings, emotional pain and suffering. the value of your loved one’s support and services, and the loss of their companionship, guidance, and protection.

How Will Experienced Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyers Help You?

If you suffered injuries in a Florida car accident or you are the surviving family member of someone who was fatally injured in one, our experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyers can help ensure that the responsible party is held accountable and that you are fairly compensated for all your physical and psychological injuries.

At Demand the Limits, we understand the many difficulties accident victims face and don’t want you to be further burdened by the demands and complexities of the legal process. Our Boca Raton car accident lawyers can expertly handle your entire case, so you can focus on recovering.

We will put our extensive legal experience to work for you by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the circumstances of your car accident to determine how the crash occurred, what exactly caused it, and how to prove negligence.
  • Calculating the full value of your claim so you can get the amount you need and deserve.
  • Gathering all crucial evidence to demonstrate your need for substantial compensation.
  • Ensuring that all relevant paperwork is filed properly and on time.
  • Negotiating with the liable party’s insurance carrier for the full, fair amount you deserve.
  • Fighting for you in court to win the full, fair amount you deserve, if the liable party’s insurance company does not offer a satisfactory settlement.
  • Promptly answering all your questions, responding to your concerns, and keeping you updated on all progress on your case.

Please don’t talk with the liable party’s insurance company claims adjuster before talking with one of our experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyers about your case. Insurance adjusters will aggressively try to get you to say something that they can use to deny your claim or diminish the compensation you deserve.

Contact us as soon as possible at 561-600-3555 or by filling in FREE CASE EVALUATION form on our website and leave the insurance company to us. We are experienced, skilled negotiators and litigators who can safeguard against any unfair tactic they might use to take advantage of your situation.

Get the Experienced, Aggressive Representation You Need to Win Your Boca Raton Car Accident Case

At Demand the Limits, we know how to handle car accident cases. Our experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyers have extensive experience with all types of motor vehicle accident cases. We fight aggressively to defend the legal rights of accident injury victims.

Call 561-600-3555 or contact us online to talk with a helpful, experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyer. Don’t delay – the sooner we can start on your case, the better we can protect your rights and fight for the full, fair compensation you deserve.

    Practice Areas


    Medical Malpractice
    Recovery for a client who suffered brain injuries due to a fall.


    Negligencia MĂ©dica
    RecuperaciĂłn para un cliente que sufriĂł lesiones cerebrales.


    Trucking Accident
    Recovery for a client who was injured while driving an 18-wheeler truck.


    Accidente de CamiĂłn
    RecuperaciĂłn de un cliente lesionado mientras conducĂ­a un camiĂłn.


    Auto Accident
    Recovery for client injured in a car crash. Pre-litigation offer: $60k.


    Accidente de Auto
    RecuperaciĂłn para el cliente herido en un accidente automovilĂ­stico.