Nathan Vanderlaan

Nathan Vanderlaan

Nathan Vanderlaan, Esq.

With a robust legal background spanning multiple jurisdictions, Nathan brings a wealth of experience and a passion for advocating for injured individuals to the firm.

Attorney Nathan Vanderlaan knew he had a passion for litigation from an early age. He began working in the litigation profession as a law clerk for a civil defense firm in high school, and he continued clerking up until he obtained his license to practice law in the State of Illinois in 2018. Progressing quickly since the beginning, he promptly obtained his 2nd license to practice law in the State of Florida. Now, Nathan is duly licensed to practice law in both states. Since relocating to Florida in 2022, he has continued to litigate extensively in both Florida and Illinois state and federal courts, demonstrating a strong commitment to the industry and his clients.

Prior to joining Demand the Limits, Nathan was a partner within a defense firm, litigating and overseeing litigation in both Illinois and Florida. This transition from defense to plaintiff representation marks a strategic decision for Nathan. After developing a wealth of experience litigating complex and catastrophic injury claims, Nathan now aims to leverage his deep understanding of defense strategies to effectively advocate for injured persons and earn them the compensation their claims deserve.

Nathan quickly found his specialty in handling a diverse range of complex litigation cases, including construction injuries, wrongful death, trucking and motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, intentional torts such as assault, battery, defamation, and slander, as well as matters concerning insurance coverage, employment disputes, and civil rights violations. Throughout his career litigating for the defense, Attorney Nathan Vanderlaan has successfully defended countless multi-million-dollar injury claims.

Working under Demand the Limits Personal Injury Attorneys, Nathan Vanderlaan, ESQ. will continue to uphold the firm’s commitment to excellence, now as their first attorney supporting the Chicago metro. With his diverse range of experience handling employment disputes and civil rights violations, Nathan further brings to Demand the Limits Personal Injury Attorneys additional specialties which will allow the firm to expand its advocacy to those persons subjected to unlawful employment practice and whom have been the victims of civil rights violations.

If you find yourself in need of a dedicated personal injury lawyer, Nathan is here for you. Reach out to him at 561-600-3555 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

    Practice Areas


    Medical Malpractice
    Recovery for a client who suffered brain injuries due to a fall.


    Negligencia Médica
    Recuperación para un cliente que sufrió lesiones cerebrales.


    Trucking Accident
    Recovery for a client who was injured while driving an 18-wheeler truck.


    Accidente de Camión
    Recuperación de un cliente lesionado mientras conducía un camión.


    Auto Accident
    Recovery for client injured in a car crash. Pre-litigation offer: $60k.


    Accidente de Auto
    Recuperación para el cliente herido en un accidente automovilístico.